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BBA In Aviation

The program has been designed to offer to eligible candidates a strong background of managerial skills in the Aviation management field as well as business and leadership practices. A BBA degree in Aviation will equip the students with the tools to recognize and deal with problems using their managerial skills. The program also ensures that the candidates have a strong sense of service to the passengers, ensuring that they receive quality service on time. They also have to make sure that the flight operations run smoothly.

In the course of three years candidates will learn about airport planning, airport security, passenger forecasting, aviation Terminology, Customer relationship Management and many other topics.

It provides a solid base for the students who aim for the management and operation of aviation activities. It will also teach the students the ability to perform well in teams, professionalism, and the knowledge required in the Aviation Industry.

The BBA Aviation program aims to create skilled professionals for the aviation sector and allied fields of travel and tourism for those with an entrepreneurial bend to acquire the skills to start their own set-up. The program is highly relevant as it addresses the business requirements of the aviation sector.